0333 050 8238 apps@createanet.co.uk
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Table Order App

Order and pay at the table






App Development services








Table Order App

Takeaway/Pick up mode available 







App Development services






Table Order App

Send your customers special offers at the touch of a button




App Development services






Table Order App

Table server mode, never use a Note pad again





Contactless ordering for your customers

Help social distancing by providing your customers with the ability to order and pay at the table and take advantage of a takeaway/collection service that many restaurants have found invaluable.

Our system offers a completely contactless way of customers ordering directly from the table, paying online with the order automatically printed in your kitchen.

App Development services

Why table ordering

Even before social distancing was a thing, many of the large restaurant chains discovered that providing the ability for your customers to order and pay at the table not only increased sales but made for a more efficient operation.

Our system offers the ability for your customers to order at the table or alternatively for picking up pay directly with the order automatically printed ready for preparation

How it works

All your customers have to do is simply enter their table number or pickup option, select their choice from your menu and pay using various payment options (PayPal, stripe, Apple Pay, Google play). Once their order is confirmed the order is automatically printed in one or multiple locations ready for preparation.

All this done on the familiar interface of your customers phone with a simple easy download and of course the added advantage that the customer leaves with your app on their phone,

App Development services


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Table orders

The ability for your customers to order and pay without ever leaving their seat
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Menu selection

An intuitive interface allowing your customers to browse your menu and build their order
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Secure and instant payment

Via a payment method of your choice
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Instant notification/printing

Depending on your preferred method the system all automatically print your order ready for preparation.
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Menu management

From a simple interface control all of your menus, specials with complete control over pricing and availability
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Order history

From a secure web administration browse all of your order history
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Server Mode

For standard table service enable server mode and all your staff need is a phone to take customers orders, never buy a note pad again.
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Promotions/push notifications

Simply send out promotions at the click of a button and every one of your customers will receive an instant push notification.
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Takeaway Mode

This provides you with the option to provide a takeaway/ pick up service at the click of a button

How Does it Help Your Business

Apart from providing the service levels that your customers have come to expect, it reduces staff costs, avoids bottlenecks at the tills and of course due to the current crisis helps you comply with social distancing.

You are in Control

The system comes complete with intuitive web-based system that provides you complete control of your menus, pricing, opening times, tables, curbside/pickup options and the ability to send direct marketing messages at the click of a button with no additional cost and no delay and most importantly no spam filters which would prevent your message ever getting delivered.

Every business needs a little push

Again something most of the big businesses have already discovered is the push notification is probably one of the most important marketing tools available to businesses today. With our system, your customer not only gets the convenience of ordering at the table but they get to go home with your app on their phone, that means using our intuitive message platform you have the ability to send direct messages instantly and at no cost.
So next time you have that two-for-one offer or anything else you would like to promote, all of your customer’s phones will burst into life at the push of a button

For more information, please complete the enquiry form below, and we will respond as soon as possible.

Contact Us


Phone:  0333 050 8238
Email:  apps@createanet.co.uk
Live Chat (see below if we are online)