0333 050 8238 apps@createanet.co.uk

What we do

With a history of over 600 apps and 3000 websites, we got the experience to bring the right skills to a project

These are some of the services that we offer, all with 

App Development

iOS, Android, Web


Bespoke, WordPress, e-commerce 


Content management systems

App Consultancy

Unbiased information, so you get the best results


See what you are getting before its built

White Label

We work with agency’s, fixed cost, fixed delivery


What’s the ongoing costs of running an app?

Paid Search

Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok?

App Marketing

Making sure your app is visible

App Development services

..the right approach to the right job

We have always prided ourselves on offering the right Technology and the right approach to every project we do. we have been involved in a huge range of projects over the last 23 years and very few of them have been the similar to each other. This is has resulted in us developing a large range of skills and experience which we can pass on our clients.

App Development
We built our first app within day of Steve Jobs, announcing it was going to be a App development platform. Since that day we developed in excess of 600 apps ranging from internationally known brands to start-up companies. Each client has gone through our unique customer journey, which we believe gives the best chance of success for your app development.

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App Development services
App Development services

We built our first website in 1999, specialising in the hospitality market, and with a very short space of time, found ourselves working across a huge range of sectors, including the film industry, which led to us to produce the eighth busiest website in the world at the time. Since those days we built in excess of 3000 websites, mostly custom, built, using our own hand coded systems. these range from full hotel booking systems, social networks, e-commerce and internal in-house web-based applications.
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Prototyping/ MVP
This is often part of our consultancy service, but by creating a prototype, prior to researching which app developer or software developer you want to work with hugely beneficial, if for no, other reason, it enables you to get a like for like quotation from a number of developers without the risk of any misinterpretation.

App Development services
App Development services


Content Management Systems, 99% of all of our systems, whether it’s an app or a website are individually powered by a content management system.
We offer a wide range of options which range from bespoke designed entirely to your requirements, to an off-the-shelf system, such as salesforce,  POS systems, your own in software or your company CRM. Whatever the requirements we approach  it in the same way, to make managing your website or application as easy as possible, and to handle the data the minimum amount of times.

White Label App Development
As most marketing agencies and design agencies are discovered, having an in-house team is not only expensive, but is also very difficult to maintain the skill level, needed to develop apps and websites with today’s levels of expectations. We have developed a completely transparent  or ingcogneto white label service for marketing and design agencies,

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Inline with our no-nonsense approach to all things, we approach search engine optimisation in the same way, there’s a lot of misinformation about and companies who simply want to give you reports all thats wrong your website. We take a completely different approach and focus on what’s good about your website and the opportunities you have to achieve good rankings under your targeted keywords and phrases, this is a completely transparent service where you will see the improvements to your website as they are happening

App Consultancy
One are the key things we’ve learnt over the years, is that clients have great ideas, but often don’t really understand the questions they should be asking and not until the project is finished do they realise that they may have been a better way to do it or essential parts of the project is missing. We’ve developed a unique service which provides a completely unbiased overview of your project and makes you know exactly what’s involved in your project.

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App Marketing
Very few people realise that you can actually optimise your app on the App Store, with the service we can demonstrate to you how you can achieve good placements under App Store searches and make you are prominent against your competition

Paid Search
The reason Createanet has prospered for 23 years, is mainly down to paid search, we’ve learnt the processes and all of the skills needed, spending our own money, which we believe, gives us a unique insight into how it works. The key focus with any paid search campaign is is to achieve a good ROI, using the paid search channels of Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and TikTok. We’ve learnt how to do this because we’ve learnt using our own money.

We have been proud to work with start ups to global brands

We have a wealth of experience in online digital marketing and have the capability to offer entry-level viral, social marketing campaigns, right up to blue-chip PR campaigns to get your app in front of the people, websites and bloggers that matter.

App Development services
App Development services
App Development services
App Development services

Lets get in contact

Would you like to know more?, simply fill in the form below, and we will be in touch to set up an initial free meeting.